CHANNEL 6 broadcasts stories about deprivation,
victimhood, and scarcity which encourages me to hold on to what I have and
cultivates stinginess and resentment.
CHANNEL 18 tells me of my many failures,
disappointments, and grievances which then throws me into a pit of hopelessness
and despair.
CHANNEL 13 reports on how unkind and scary the
world is through remembered tales of terror and violence until I am paralyzed
and afraid to move.
Fortunately, as I continue to turn the dial of the radio, I
find there are voices that speak of generosity, kindness, and charity. I discover channels that focus on gratitude
and appreciation for the unlimited gifts the universe continues to unfold. Then, there’s the station that focuses on
affirming my worth and value, as well as, that of others.
Today, I will only settle for the internal radio stations
that support my growth and wholeness. I
will bypass those that would stunt my ability to be present to the gifts this
day holds. I have a choice about what I
will tune into right now.