I seek the courage today to remain present and
I will breathe in deeply and focus on what I am able to
change in this moment. Perhaps it will
be my own mind, my attitude, my thinking, my behavior. It takes great strength to admit my
vulnerability and recognize the need for a shift.

I will breathe out deeply and focus on what I am powerless
to alter. No matter how hard I try I cannot
change you. It’s impossible to control
someone else’s happiness. The
responsibility for that belongs to you. I have wasted enough energy on this
unreachable dream. It’s also impossible to achieve perfection. I am a limited human being and release my
need to continue to strive for this unattainable goal. It’s impossible to prevent change. So I will pray for the flexibility to adapt
and accept inevitable changes. No one can stop the world from turning.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot
change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the
difference.” What a rich and meaningful