Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Rhythm of Life

I find it reassuring to recognize that each one of us in on a unique journey as we move through this life.  Over and over, I observe myself and others “fall from innocence” as growth, change or a new response to life becomes necessary.   At times, it’s an unwanted experience that provokes me to reluctantly move from the safety of where I am, such as: a death, divorce, illness, financial stressor, geographical move or being fired.  Other times, it’s a gradual awareness of the need for a change of attitude or different behavior, letting go of what no longer works.  Sometimes it’s the inevitable pull of life moving forward as I begin a new stage of life, like: starting college, getting married, becoming a parent, having an empty nest, moving into retirement.    Just as the planet is always turning in perpetual motion, so also does the life around and within me.  The more I cling to ‘what was’ and try to fool myself into believing things or people will last forever providing the security I want, the harder the struggle seems to be. When I remain detached and tell myself I won't connect so I don't have to feel the pain of letting go, loneliness and depression haunt me. 

Today, I choose to remember that I am invited to dance to the rhythm that beats out its song inside and outside of me.  I will embrace these moments and savor them.  I can trust the movement and tempo of today and allow myself to unfold into the mystery of now.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Trading in Expectations

Things don’t always go the way I intend or expect them to go.  What really seems to matter the most is how I manage my disappointment and frustration.  I can pout, sulk, and have a temper tantrum telling myself it’s a horrible shame that it isn't what I expected it to be.  I can deny the facts and pretend until reality finally forces me to accept it the way it is.  I can try to manipulate and control the outcome, clinging to a belief that I know what is best.  Or I can acknowledge my feelings and remember that sometimes I get things the way I want them and sometimes I don’t.  Often, I have to admit things don’t go the way I expect, they actually go better than planned.

Today, I intend to recognize my over-attachment to outcomes and gently release my need to control or impress others.  I know that ultimately things work out for my own and other’s best interests.  I will remind myself that everything has a purpose even if I don't see it yet.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Finishing What I Start

How often do I say I will do something and never get back to it?  My energy shifts and suddenly I’m running down a different road with a long trail of unfinished projects and plans carelessly discarded behind me.  What prevents me from completing what I set out to do?  Sometimes, I become afraid due to anticipated failure or rejection.  Other times I have unrealistic expectations and become exhausted by too many commitments.  I give in when things get too hard or I encounter too many obstacles.  I allow others’ plans to become more important than my own and forget to set boundaries.  Will I end up at the end of my life regretful of all the risks I never took and things I never finished?  I hope not. 

I can only make one choice at a time and take one step at a time.  Today, I choose to evaluate where my energy will be best spent.  I will carefully examine my intention when I decided what to lay aside and what to pursue.  I will recognize when fear, laziness, or mindless activity prevent me from following through on what I believe in and value.  I am determined to persevere and complete what I start.