I am enough. You are enough. We are enough. I
become caught up in the rat race of trying to prove my worth by doing enough,
striving enough, owning enough, giving enough. I judge your worth by my criticism,
disapproval, blame, and rejection. I am
tired of measurements of more or less,
too much or too little, grades, ranks, promotions, titles, top/bottom, being
torn apart by discontent, jealousy, envy and struggle.
Today, I choose to be here and now, how I am and where I am,
how you are and where you are.
Acceptance of myself and acceptance of you brings me peace of mind. I can let go of the illusion that you or I
need to change to be loved or accepted. I see you, do you see me? I am enough and so are you. In
this very moment, here and now, we have enough-ness. What a relief.
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