Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Showing Up

Am I showing up for myself when I allow others to treat me disrespectfully or rudely? 
Am I present to my own needs when I engage in behaviors that cause me distress? 
Am I available to myself when I cram my daily schedule full of activity and 
leave myself no time to breathe and be?

Today, I choose to slow down.  I will mindfully decide what my priorities are for this day.  I will acknowledge my feelings and attend to my needs, taking time to listen within as I move forward.  I will speak up and communicate my concerns when someone else treats me in a way that isn't okay with me.  I will set necessary boundaries and show myself respect.  When I have compassion for myself first, then I am able to embrace others with an open and caring heart.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Taking Charge

Every now and then I can begin to think my life is in an unending rut, filled with drama and conflict.  I can be tempted to freeze and become paralyzed out of fear and frustration.  It can feel as though I am an expendable crewman in my own mini-drama.

Today, I choose to remember that this moment holds out promise; an opportunity to listen to new ideas, a chance to try out different things, an option for connection and a prospect for reassurance and self-care.  There are just so many choices that are possible.  I will remember that no one can take me down a road I don’t choose to go.  Even if I find myself in a difficult situation, I still get to decide what my response to it will be.  I choose to be the main player in the story of my day.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Taking Time To Tune In

The noise of the world can be deafening at times.  Consumerism shouts BUY ME messages continually, telling me I can’t live without this or that.  The voice of individualism pushes BE NUMBER ONE; forget about others, get on top no matter the cost.  Perfectionism drives me to overwork and procrastination, reminding me over and over how much I have to accomplish before I can rest.  There are days when the clamor and commotion blasts through to my core.

Today, I have a choice to turn down the volume on the racket around me.  It will not go away, however, I can choose to let it fade into the background as I breath and mindfully tune in to the rhythm of my spirit.  In the silence of being-ness I find peace, space, and blessed stillness.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Let It Be

Sometimes I get so frustrated and incensed that I can’t control what’s happening around me.  I try with all might to ‘make’ someone understand me or put up a fight to prevent an outcome that’s inevitable.  I rationalize my disrespectful behavior and refuse to recognize or hear any other opinion than my own.  I hold on so tightly, afraid of letting go.  Letting go of my beliefs about what others think of me, letting go of my need to be right, letting go of my fear of chaos, betrayal and rejection, letting go of expectations and judgments, letting go of my distrust of others, letting of the illusion of control I create.  I find myself boxed into a small prison of restriction and what I think is safety never realizing I am creating suffering for myself and others.

I am learning to breathe and to open my heart and mind.  I am safe enough to release and surrender control.  I can trust the goodness I experience surrounding me; my connection with my own enough-ness, friends who offer acceptance and care, a higher power that remains present and sustaining.  I can let it go and let it be.  Today the echo of my mantra is LET IT BE.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Rhythm of Life

The rhythm of life pulsates in this day, whether I am aware of it or not.  It may beat quickly, flowing by in a blink of an eye, or it may resound slowly, stretching out for what might feel like an eternity.  Regardless of my attempts to slow it down or speed it up, it will continue to steadily move forward.  It is relentless, this ongoing process of giving birth, spreading out, connecting, changing, surrendering, and releasing. 

 It is my intention today to accept what this day may hold.  To breathe into it and feel the flow around me knowing I am part of something so much bigger than I can begin to imagine or contain.  I listen to the rhythm and join in the dance of today-ness which will only exist once and never be repeated quite the same way ever again.  What a sacred gift it is to be here and now in oneness with all that is.