Some days fear takes my breath away as I struggle to keep moving
forward. What is it that is creating
this feeling? Do I fear rejection,
failure, abandonment, making a mistake or being inadequate, looking like a
fool, being out of control or feeling overwhelmed, so many fears circle the
tent of my wellbeing. Patiently and
tenderly, I will speak words of reassurance to the scared child within me.
You are loved and accepted. always ask for help if you need it.
· It’s okay to take risks and learn from your experiences.
· You can take one moment at a time and in this moment there
is no danger.
· You are adequate and have a history of perseverance,
determination and success.
· Everyone is afraid at times, what will help you feel safer right
Today I will breathe, feel my feet on the floor, and take
another step forward trusting my journey is unfolding.
Words of wisdom....