Friday, December 20, 2013

Channel Surfing

My perspective seems to shift depending on which channel on my ‘inner radio’ I am currently tuned into. 

·       CHANNEL 6 broadcasts stories about deprivation, victimhood, and scarcity which encourages me to hold on to what I have and cultivates stinginess and resentment. 

·       CHANNEL 18 tells me of my many failures, disappointments, and grievances which then throws me into a pit of hopelessness and despair. 

·       CHANNEL 13 reports on how unkind and scary the world is through remembered tales of terror and violence until I am paralyzed and afraid to move.

Fortunately, as I continue to turn the dial of the radio, I find there are voices that speak of generosity, kindness, and charity.  I discover channels that focus on gratitude and appreciation for the unlimited gifts the universe continues to unfold.  Then, there’s the station that focuses on affirming my worth and value, as well as, that of others. 

Today, I will only settle for the internal radio stations that support my growth and wholeness.  I will bypass those that would stunt my ability to be present to the gifts this day holds.  I have a choice about what I will tune into right now.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Reaching Goals

Determination and perseverance are invaluable gifts.  When I face the difficulties this day holds and am tempted to stray from the goals of healthy connection with others and my self,  I will stop impulsive reactivity and take a time out.  I will move forward from a place of integrity and groundedness, remembering I always have choice in how I deal with the challenges before me.  I am not a victim any longer. 

I am an empowered, responsible, compassionate, determined person who is capable of persevering and accomplishing what I set out to achieve.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Facing Today

Every day is a new beginning, a chance to start over.  Rather than being dragged down by poor choices, mistakes, and what has been; I choose to let go of yesterday and concentrate on what is today.  I can begin again and take what I have learned to make different choices.  I refuse to wallow in self-recrimination or self-pity.  This is a dead end road.  I will recognize the opportunity that this 24 hour day offers and accept the invitation.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Slow but Sure

At times it feels as though growth is impossible, the odds are definitely not in favor of it.  To even move forward a little bit requires herculean strength and even with that it is very slow going.  There are also times when growth appears effortless, as simple as breathing in and breathing out.  But those times seem to be rare.

Today I will remind myself that despite my perceptions, I am continually growing and changing and others are too.  When I think someone is set in his or her ways and never going to be different, it is helpful to remember that despite appearances growth is taking place.  It just may take a while before the fragile plant peeks its head out from under the soil.  If I am patient and water the ground with kindness and compassion and also discern between the weeds and the desired outcome, eventually, I will see within myself and those around me the change that is needed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Stepping Forward

Taking a step into the unknown is scary, risky, exciting, and full of possibility.  What gives me the courage to move forward?  I can remain paralyzed with my fears holding me back or I can take a chance that what lies before me will be greater than what lies behind me.  It’s a choice.

I choose to step forward despite the outdated warning signals that tell me it’s too dangerous.  I will acknowledge that my well-developed defense system has served me well in the past before I had more effective means of caring for myself.  Today, I can turn down the sensitivity of the alarm button as it’s just a bit too sensitive for my needs now.  I trust I can handle what this day holds and reach out for support if it becomes overwhelming.  Here goes…

Monday, November 25, 2013

Practicing Thanks-giving

There are so many blessed moments to acknowledge in a day, even though I often lean towards pointing out unmet needs, things that don’t go the way I want them to go, and sad times.  It’s my choice today:  focus on what I appreciate or become wrapped up in negative energy.  Choosing negativity leads to bitterness, envy, resentment, and depression; it’s a journey into darkness and dead end roads.  Choosing gratitude leads to appreciation, caring, connection, and peace; it’s a journey into happiness and satisfaction.

Today, I am grateful for having a choice.  I will mindfully recognize the blessings I have received and practice thanks-giving for those experiences of grace.  I offer the intention of bringing blessing to those around me as I move into this day.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gratitude for Friends

Friends bring sweet connection and comfort to the heart.  They stand by you when you are misunderstood and take the extra effort to clarify mixed up messages without automatically judging your intent as negative.  They provide encouragement, support, and are the captains of your cheerleading squad.  They believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself.  I am grateful and indebted to the gifts my friends offer me.  My hope is that I extend to them the same caring presence I have experienced. 

Today I will acknowledge the invitations to connect others send me through their smiles and gentle heart touches while extending the same to those I encounter.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mindful Living

There are days when life feels crowded by millions of details clamoring for attention and each one telling me it’s more important than the rest.  It’s easy to become overwhelmed and either go into overdrive or shut down.  I will blindly move through the day indiscriminately knocking off one item from my “To Do’ list after another wearing myself out or become paralyzed and thoughtlessly sit for hours in front of the TV or computer screen wasting time.  All or nothing becomes my motto.

Today, I choose to sit quietly breathing and grounding myself.  I will take time to be still and focus my attention; centering myself in now-ness and here-ness.   I can quiet the ‘hurry up’ voice within and move mindfully into this day with intention to focus on presence no matter how I choose to spend my time.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Standing in My Power

I can stand in the power of being ‘me’ today.  In the past, I may have felt too scared of being rejected to stand up for myself. I believed, at one time, I didn’t have much to say and what I did have to say no one was interested in hearing.  I thought my actions didn’t matter much and others achievements were much more important than my own.  I kept quiet and watched others live life.

Now, I recognize I have a right to speak up and voice an opinion; whether others agree with me or not my viewpoint matters.  I choose to live my own life rather than being delegated to a corner of silence.  I can take action when I feel moved to do so and acknowledge the accomplishments I reach.  I will feel my feet on the ground and stand up straight facing this day with dignity and pride.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Acknowledging What I Know


There are days when anxiety threatens to sabotage my efforts.  It’s at these moments that I choose to remember what I have learned.  I will breathe and notice my connection with life energy within and surrounding me that reaches out to nourish and sustain me.  I will recognize how I touch the earth at the places where the container of my body intersects with all that supports and grounds me.  I will acknowledge that I am alright in this moment and with all likelihood will be able to handle the next one and the next one after that.  I will rest peacefully with gratitude for this day of possibility and trust in my higher power.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Page of Promise

As this day dawns, I am curious about what it will hold.  It may hold blessing or curse, happiness or sadness, joy or sorrow, unique and novel change or stability and routine.  Who knows?  I will open my heart and mind to whatever comes with a desire that I might respond with compassion, humor and creativity.  In my life story, if a year has 365 pages, then today is page 22,859.  Hmmm, how many remarkable pages have already been written and today holds out another page of promise.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Role Playing

So many roles are played in a day:  parent, daughter, driver, eater, cousin, gardener, friend, sleeper, assertive communicator, listener, writer, boundary setter, tv watcher… the list is endless.  Some roles I practice more frequently than others.  Some I am better at and some not so great, however, I find myself expecting to play all of them perfectly from the first moment I take them on.  Then I become discouraged and put myself down or give up when I’m not. 
Today, I will whisper words of encouragement to myself remembering that I am in a process of learning and changing in each role.  I can try out new behaviors, fine tune the ones that work, and discard the ones that don’t.  Every day I become more proficient at the roles I play, yet there is always room for more growth.  I will patiently remind myself I am in process and not at the end of the journey. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Faith Walking

Being a 'faith walker' means believing in what is not yet seen.  I have seen so many wonderful things I never dreamed were possible.  I had hoped and wished but felt unsure if they would come into actually being.  Not all but many have happened, not always as I expected but often better than expected. 

Today, I will remember this as I struggle to believe in what feels like the impossible.  I will let go of my fear and trust that all is working out as it’s meant to be.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Remembered Lessons of Hope

It pays to remember the successes I have experienced in the past, especially the ones that I thought I would never achieve.  As I face discouragement about current stressors and doubt that I can accomplish present goals, reflecting on my previous times of wasted angst helps to reassure me and bring peace.  Today, I will trust the journey I am on and place one foot in front of the other knowing I am moving forward even if I feel stalled out.  I choose to savor the journey instead of yearning for the destination.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Grateful Moments

I am grateful for my friends, who support, challenge, nurture, reassure, accept, and play with me. 

I am grateful for my work that satisfies intrigues, encourages, tests, and is a vehicle to provide for me.

I am grateful for my life to learn, grow, struggle, overcome, rejoice and experience love.

So many grateful moments today!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Checking out Assumptions

When I lack information, I tend to make up stories about others’ intentions.  I then believe these stories and they become fact to me.  Next, I go to battle because I think my assumptions are accurate and I feel justified or sometimes slighted.  This is a pattern of behavior that has not worked out so well.  Today, I have learned to check out my interpretations and judgments.  Occasionally I am spot-on but usually I find I have misunderstood what's being said.  When I mirror back what I’m perceiving I or how I experience another’s behavior, it creates understanding, connection, and furthers communication.  So, I will remember; “What I hear you saying is…” "The way I experience that is ..." 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Challenging Old Beliefs


What stories do I tell myself that no longer serve me?  These views were important to my survival at one point in my life, but hold me back now.  Today, I will challenge the belief systems that prevent me from thriving and affirm what I know is more accurate.

·       I am not good enough --- I am loved just as I am.  I can dare to be adequate.

·       I have to make others happy --- I am responsible for my own happiness and others are responsible for meeting their own needs.

·       I have to be perfect --- Everyone makes mistakes and mine have been valuable opportunities to grow and change.

·       I have to hurry up --- I can take my time, breathe, and be here and now.

·       I can’t show weakness ---  My vulnerability is a gift.  I am safe enough for now.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Taking time to listen and acknowledge, to validate and empathize with compassion isn’t always at the top of my priority list.  I rush around trying to accomplish tasks and get jobs done.  Every day I miss out on interaction with those who cross my path because my focus isn’t on seeing, hearing and being but rather on doing and achieving. 

Today, I will remind myself frequently to slow down, breathe and stay present to those I meet in the moment.  I choose to value the gift of connection over the completion of a chore list.  I will stop, look and listen.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Relationship Investment

What to do when my needs and your needs collide?  Do I give up and give you what you want or do you yield to me?  Can we compromise or find a way for both of us to be satisfied?  Whose need is greater? How do we stay present to our own needs and responsive to each other?

Respectful, honest relationship isn’t simple.  It takes time, commitment, humility, and a willingness to stay connected.  Today, I will recognize that my needs are important and so are yours.  I will open my heart and mind to listen, understand, and care.  I will set aside impulsive, reactive behavior and take the time that is needed to find a way to collaborate.  I choose to stay invested in connection and intimacy rather than isolation and loneliness.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


What prevents us from receiving compliments?  I think our beliefs about ourselves, other people, and the world hold us back from accepting and acknowledging others’ approval and support.  If I don’t believe I am of worth and value, it’s very hard to take in your admiration of me.  If I distrust others’ honesty it’s almost impossible to take what you say as truth.  If I were to believe you, I might have to change my perception of myself and you.  That can be scary stuff and might rock my world. 

Despite the consequences, today I choose to listen to the feedback I receive and notice when I push away from hearing positivity about myself.  I will ask myself what belief tells me this isn’t true and is it a belief that serves me or limits me.  I will be curious about how my world may change if I actually believed what I'm being told.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Living in the Extremes

Today I will be aware of the moments I am stuck in black or white/good or bad/all or nothing thinking.  I will put myself in the shoes of each position to acknowledge the truth that is held there and then try to find a compromise between the polar opposites rather than falling into judgment of right or wrong.   I will stand up for what is necessary and needed and let go of what is ‘ego’, fear, or power-based. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dealing with Distraction

Distractions abound and pull me in so many different directions at once.  Sometimes they prevent me from taking time to know what I need or feel, sometimes they eat up my time so responsibilities get set aside, sometimes my head is spinning so much that I lose touch with my sense of purpose and direction.  Today, I will breathe and attend to one thing at a time.  I will focus on being present in the moment and tune down the dial on the noisy chatter of my monkey brain.  I am here and now.  It is from this grounded and centered space I choose to move forward into this new day.  Ah, silence.  It is good to be here.


Monday, September 30, 2013



I have choice.  Choice to open my heart to this day, approach it with caution, or close up; it’s up to me to decide what I will do.  I can choose my responses to those I encounter.  I can opt in or out of different activities, select what I will eat or wear, take chances or sit out the dance.  It’s up to me.  I can think what I think, believe what I want to believe, and feel what I feel.  Sometimes I forget how much freedom I have and only see what I cannot change.  Today, I will recognize the choices I have and remember when I think I’m a victim in reality I have the power and availability of many choices.

Friday, September 27, 2013


Staying in my integrity means letting go of the defenses that prevent honesty and openness; this is not an easy task.  My fears of abandonment and rejection can hold me back from being genuine.  My discomfort with feeling overwhelmed can stop me from recognizing my truth and speaking it with candor and respect.

Today, I am committed to authenticity.  I will stand in the reality of who I am, whether I like it or not. I will challenge my unwillingness to change what is out of sync with my integrity.  I will celebrate what is sincere and acknowledge my own and others’ courage to be.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Am I Really Lonely?

There seems to be a difference between being alone and being lonely.  Being alone is a physical fact; I am by myself, solitary and unaccompanied.  At least I perceive it is.   Being lonely is an emotional experience, it doesn’t require physical isolation.  I can be in a room full of people and still feel isolated, unsupported, unheard, deserted, abandoned and cut off.   Sometimes I perceive I am standing solo without companionship and support only to find out others are available and are reaching out to me but I have been blinded to their intention.  Other times I feel connected, only to discover I am being misunderstood and scorned.  Communication sure is a difficult process.

Today I will open my heart to those who cross my path and graciously welcome them.  I will remember those who stand by me and are with me in spirit, if not in flesh and gratefully acknowledge that rarely do I ever really stand alone.  I am connected in ways I am only beginning to discover and this is both comforting and reassuring to know.