Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Welcome to this day
I face this day with a willingness to say yes as it
unfolds. If something shows up that is
unwelcome, I will breathe and remain grounded rather than fighting against it
and automatically reacting. It is here
for a reason and denying its existence only increases suffering. I choose to believe there is something I need
to learn rather than pushing it away.
Openness and curiosity serve me better than suspicion and close
mindedness. I welcome this day believing I can deal with whatever
it holds.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Radical Acceptance
How often do I offer conditional acceptance? I find myself frequently saying: ‘you should, if only it was, he ought to, it shouldn’t be that way, they need to’… The list goes on and on.
’You statements’ are a major signal that I’m in a judgment zone and unwilling to accept life, myself and others as they are. Another signal is when I judge an experience or action as 'good' or 'bad', 'right or wrong'.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Hope Lives
Hope lives when I watch children playing make believe or see
the sun dancing on the surface of the water.
Hope amazes me when I observe people forgiving each other for past hurts
or discover impossible dreams coming true.
Hope eludes me when I feel the odds stacked high against me or realize doors
are closing before I am ready for them to close.
Hope embraces me when I experience the love of my friends by my side or listen to
music that touches my soul.
If I look for it I will see, touch, hear, feel hope all
around me today.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Life is a Journey

Today, I will remind myself that I
have managed many deadends, detours, and unanticipated side trips successfully in the past. When I trust the universe and open my heart
to live in the moment and all that it holds, the journey is much more
pleasurable, meaningful and easy to navigate.
I wonder where today will send me, what it will deal me, and who I will encounter.
Friday, July 26, 2013
A Listening Heart
Can I hear you? Do you hear me? We both like to express ourselves and speak
our truth, yet sometimes it is so hard to listen, understand, and validate each
other. Today I choose to spend more time
listening than expressing. I will open
my heart to what you have to say, even if I disagree with what I am
hearing. I will concentrate on understanding you. After paying attention and
acknowledging what I have heard, then I will respond with my point of view and
opinion. Connection, empathy, love, is realized
if I create space within myself to hear you. I know I can grow a more effective
listening heart.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Changing my thinking
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Anything is possible
Life happens and daily there are forces trying to convince
us we are ‘less than’ and not ‘as good as’ others.
However, there is also an energy surrounding us that holds the truth of our
being. We are no less than ‘children of
the universe’ with lives full of love, purpose and meaning. We can choose which
truth we will believe today.

If we choose to be dragged under by negative,
shame-filled thoughts it will lead to depression, loneliness, and
hopelessness. Not a pretty picture. However, if we turn our hearts towards belief
in ourselves and others anything is possible.
I choose to believe in you and me.
Monday, July 22, 2013
There are days when I mistakenly tell myself I am all alone
and unseen. But then I remember these are merely echoes of
childhood when my needs, thoughts, and feelings were unseen by those around
me. Now I know that I am never truly
I am connected to an internal parental energy that grounds me, reminds me I am loved, and gently nurtures me. I am connected to friends who surround and support me; applauding my successes, comforting me during disappointments, and inviting me toward growth when needed. I am connected to a higher power that gives me a sense of purpose and meaning. I may feel lonely, but I am not alone.
I am connected to an internal parental energy that grounds me, reminds me I am loved, and gently nurtures me. I am connected to friends who surround and support me; applauding my successes, comforting me during disappointments, and inviting me toward growth when needed. I am connected to a higher power that gives me a sense of purpose and meaning. I may feel lonely, but I am not alone.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Celebrating accomplishments
Today I will recognize the accomplishments that I have
already made and believe in the ones yet to come. When I am tempted to succumb to the
temptation of bemoaning my lack of movement, I will acknowledge those ways in
which I have grown and surpassed my previous expectations.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Communicating Responsibly
Monday, July 8, 2013
Taking Risks vs. Playing It Safe
Breathe and take one step
at a time. Often my fearful nature wants
to see the whole pathway, obstacles I will encounter and how I’m going to get
there before I move forward. This
needing to know paralyzes me and prevents me from taking risks. I have regretfully missed out on opportunities and not
taken chances when it was later shown to have been not only safe but could have
been beneficial for me. Playing it safe
seems to rarely be the best policy. There are moments
when trust in myself, others, and my higher power are necessary.

I choose to release my
controlling grasp and allow myself to take risks. Rather than seeing life through the lens of fear and potential harm, I want to see the possibility, magic, and blessing this day holds.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Finding beginner's mind
Thursday, July 4, 2013
I am grateful for the freedom to live my life in a manner
that I choose to do so. I can believe
what works for me, think thoughts without fear of being censored; feel what I
feel and express myself freely, act according to my values and integrity
without being told what I can and cannot do.
I feel appreciative today of these privileges and recognize that not
everyone is so fortunate.
I send a wish
and prayer for those who are imprisoned by other’s unwelcome pressure and for
those who are victimized by the misuse of power and influence. May they be strengthened and supported to live this life with meaning and purpose. I intend to not squander the opportunities I've been given today.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Here I Am
When I take time to listen to the whispers of my heart, I
can hear what I need, what I feel and what I value. I can comfort, nurture, and affirm my worth
and value. When I refuse to attend to
these messages I abandon myself and move through the day like a robot on remote
control. I lose touch with what brings
me happiness and joy and find it impossible to show up with authenticity for
others. I look for ways to avoid the
discomfort I begin to feel and start to run away from my pain with addictive
behaviors. Life becomes unmanageable until
I become paralyzed with depression, fear, and anxiety.
Today I choose to pause and quiet the noise around me. I will allow my breath to bring me to
presence where I can be still and know the small voice of my soul saying ‘Here
I am, see me, hear me, be with me, AHHH.”
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Standing Strong
One step in front of another step, and then the next step… Perseverance and commitment in working towards goals requires moment by moment choice. There are times when it seems as though no progress has been gained. However, as long as I stay on the road toward my goal I am advancing. Some days, just standing in place is enough. At least I’m not running away or abandoning myself.
Today, I will acknowledge my commitment to myself to remain positive in belief about being enough. I affirm my worth and value and will challenge thinking that would tell me anything else.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Having friends that reach out to provide comfort, nurture
and acceptance is simply one of the greatest gifts the universe has provided me. At times, it is can be easy to believe I am in this
by myself. However, if I reflect on the multitude
of times those who love me have shown their care by taking time to listen,
bolstering my self-esteem, believing in me when I don’t believe in myself, keeping
me grounded by reminding me that I am seen and heard, letting me know when I am
in need of correction, and lending me strength when I am faltering; I remember that none of us are ever really alone. My heart is covered with the handprints my friends have left there.
My wish today is that I can be as good a
friend to others as I have been blessed to experience.
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