The life I have in this next 24 hours is sacred. When I view my time and presence as sacred, I
re-evaluate how I am using it. Am I
distracted by time wasters, such as watching TV, reading tabloids, or playing
video games? Am I trying to do so many
things at once I rush around mindlessly going through the motions of
living? Am I so over-focused on a goal
that I can’t see you? Am I drowning in
fear, anger, resentment, jealousy, sadness, or hurt and unable to appreciate
the moments of invitation to forgiveness, connection and healing that exist?
Monday, October 27, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Being in the Flow
Holding on and letting go, holding on and letting go; this
is the rhythm of my day. My breath goes
in and often I notice I hold on to it until I can no longer wait before
releasing a large exhale that makes room for a new breath. This is so parallel to my process throughout
the day. Events, interactions,
circumstances, experiences happen and I tend to have difficultly letting them
go to make room for what’s next. I wrestle with 'what ifs' or 'if onlys'. I allow my feelings to go unexpressed and unheard and discount myself and others. Then, I
become overwhelmed, confused, and stressed out until finally setting myself
free again when the pressure becomes to great.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
The time and space of today issues an invitation to me:
“Will you take a risk to be seen and known today?” “Will
you open your heart to know and see others?”
I can choose to play it safe
while I rush mindlessly from one moment to the next taking care of business and
blindly passing by opportunities to connect.
I can hide quietly on the sidelines while I admiringly watch others
dance through the day, stepping on each other’s toes and inviting relationship
with one another. I can bury my head in
the sand and allow time to pass me by while I resignedly believe I am a victim
of others lack of compassion and inability to reach out. I can march forward pushing others out of the
way while I ruthlessly conquer the obstacles I encounter. Each of these routes ends in regret,
loneliness, and pain. Nowhere near the
destination I have desired to reach.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Opening My Heart To Receive
I choose to open my heart to the love that is available in the
moments of this day. Unfortunately, I too
often find myself putting up barriers and protection even though you've given
me no reason to distrust or need to defend.
I will minimize and say ‘I don’t care that much’ or make excuses while I
run away and avoid the connection you offer.
I find myself saying ‘be careful, be careful’ and holding back when I
want to let go. I spend way too much
time examining your motivations and intentions, suspiciously looking for signs
of rejection, betrayal, deception, or possible fault.
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