Thursday, October 23, 2014

Being in the Flow

Holding on and letting go, holding on and letting go; this is the rhythm of my day.  My breath goes in and often I notice I hold on to it until I can no longer wait before releasing a large exhale that makes room for a new breath.  This is so parallel to my process throughout the day.  Events, interactions, circumstances, experiences happen and I tend to have difficultly letting them go to make room for what’s next.  I wrestle with 'what ifs' or 'if onlys'.  I  allow my feelings to go unexpressed and unheard and discount myself and others.  Then, I become overwhelmed, confused, and stressed out until finally setting myself free again when the pressure becomes to great.

Today, I choose to be more mindful of staying in the flow of the moment.  I will follow my breath and experience the gentle movement of the tides of this day.  Rather than trying to control how the day emerges or creating dams to block the current, I will simply float where the flow takes me.  I will feel the emotions and recognize the needs I and others have without judgment or shaming.  I will express my truth and listen with an open heart as I ride the waves of this day.  I can trust I will  end up where I’m supposed to be at the end of the day. I simply immerse myself in the flow.  

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