The time and space of today issues an invitation to me:
“Will you take a risk to be seen and known today?” “Will
you open your heart to know and see others?”
I can choose to play it safe
while I rush mindlessly from one moment to the next taking care of business and
blindly passing by opportunities to connect.
I can hide quietly on the sidelines while I admiringly watch others
dance through the day, stepping on each other’s toes and inviting relationship
with one another. I can bury my head in
the sand and allow time to pass me by while I resignedly believe I am a victim
of others lack of compassion and inability to reach out. I can march forward pushing others out of the
way while I ruthlessly conquer the obstacles I encounter. Each of these routes ends in regret,
loneliness, and pain. Nowhere near the
destination I have desired to reach.
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