Will I be exhausted this day or
invigorated? Often the energy can be
sucked right out, leaving me empty, lethargic and weary. Sometimes, however, I feel revitalized and
empowered; full of life and ready to face another day. What will I allow to drain me and how will I
strengthen and re-fill my inner energy tank?
I can provide myself with a healthy
balance of good nutrition, enough rest, adequate exercise, and chances to
center and ground. However, I could also fill myself with junk food and mindless rushing from one thing to
another while I wear myself out.
I can decide how I will respond to
those who make demands on my time & efforts by setting appropriate
boundaries, communicating my feelings and needs assertively, listening
carefully to others to make sure I don’t allow distorted messages to fester inside
me without checking them out, and looking for opportunities to connect with
those who nurture and support me. On the
other hand, I could choose to believe I am responsible for others’ problems,
trying desperately to fix and make them feel better, while victimizing myself
by over-giving and zapping my energy.
I can choose to empower myself with
internal messages of self-acceptance. Opening my arms to embrace who I am while reminding myself of my resources
and enough-ness or I can buy into old messages that push me to prove my worth
and value through endless activity.
I can tell myself I stand all alone
or remember I am connected to something much bigger than myself, taking time to
recognize one-ness with all that is, was, and ever will be. I am part of more than
I can even imagine.
The choice is mine today. How will I expend and revitalize the energy I hold
in these 24 hours?
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