Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Facing Difficulty

When unexpected and undesired things occur, it feels like instinct to panic.  However, this has never served me well.  I become impulsive and often make choices and decisions I later regret.  I can change this pattern of behavior with practice.  I can remind myself, in the past, I have always had all the resources I needed to deal with whatever has surfaced in my life.  I can remember to breathe and take time to gather enough information before I react.  I can call upon a good friend who reliably has been able to help me ground and calm my reactivity if I feel unable to do so myself.  I can recognize sad, difficult experiences come to all of us at times and I am not the only person in the world who is suffering in the moment. 


I will face this day with reassurance of recovery from past times of difficulty, awareness of the many resources at my fingertips, and a belief that a gift has come from every dark moment I have ever experienced.  I will breathe, center myself, allow my feelings to be expressed, recognize what I need and remain present to myself and others.

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