Taking My Time
I can take my
time and do one thing at a time. Rushing
around and mindlessly jumping from task to task creates exhaustion, a sense of
meaninglessness, and lack of joy. Today
I choose to have awareness of how I am spending my time. I will engage with the people I encounter in
order to acknowledge connection and support.
I will put my energy into tasks that create meaning for me and a feeling
of accomplishment. I will take time to
appreciate the small stuff, a squirrel running up a tree, two birds dancing
together in the sky, the sunlight reflecting off the wall, a door that is held
open for me, a by passer who smiles. It’s
the little things that make my day. I can slow down and take my time.
Too often it seems impossible to slow down, the tasks that need to be completed appear endless and time to get everything finished is finite. "To do" lists get longer despite scratching off item after item. With so much to do it is difficult to slow down. Catching random moments for myself, for appreciation of the blessings that I have been given, for recognizing the beauty of nature, and to learn to take care of myself are all moments I steal from my never ending list of tasks. I am thankful that I am able to recognize the importance of this in my life and hope to eventually learn to regulate myself to a point where I can "slow down and take my time."