Saturday, December 22, 2012


Will the things I worry about today matter tomorrow?   I have had experiences that have shown the answer to this question to be NO.  There have been many times when I have upset myself by worrying about not having enough resources, and every time I have ended up with what was needed.  Perhaps not excess but certainly what was needed.  I have stressed myself out thinking about not being enough in certain circumstances, like taking tests or dealing with people or solving problems, and have found in the moment that I am more than adequate for the task at hand; perhaps not exceptional or perfect, however, enough.  I have created intense distress by imagining some events as having ‘life shattering’ importance and then after they have passed, find that they are mere blimps on the radar of my life and certainly not life altering. 
Today, when I become apprehensive or anxious, I will reassure myself with the larger picture and remember all the yesterdays I wasted time stressing over.  I will choose to be aware and present to the moments of this day and release the negative thoughts that would prevent me from recognizing the gifts of NOW.  I don’t want to look back tomorrow and say ‘I wish I hadn’t wasted so much time then with fretting and worrying.’  I refuse to allow worry to rob me of another day.  I can breathe, center, release, and be.

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