Thursday, February 14, 2013


I can ask for help when I need it even though it is difficult to receive without giving in return.  Many past beliefs have limited me from allowing others to show their love for me.  When I was younger I learned to be independent and self-reliant.  I was rewarded for my sense of responsibility and taking care of others’ needs.  I unconsciously denied my own needs and became hyper vigilant of what those around me needed, sometimes giving them what they required even before they had voiced a desire or had a chance to react.  This kept me safe and maintained balance.  Unfortunately, through this early rescuer role training, I became unaware of my own needs and often have allowed myself to become physically sick or fallen into the role of ‘victim martyr’ when others haven’t seen my needs the way I see theirs. 
 Today, I give myself permission to receive without giving.  I will reach out and let others know when I need assistance rather than waiting for them to magically just know my needs.  There is no shame in having needs or in requesting support when it is necessary.  I no longer have to wait until I become immobilized to ask for help.  I can say what I need and if the person I ask isn’t available then I will ask someone else without guilt or concern about whether I’m taking too much.  I will remind myself that I am usually more than willing to give to those I care for and more than likely my friends are eager to do the same for me (IF I ASK).

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