Thursday, February 28, 2013


Visualize unlimited abundance.  This is a daily practice that is necessary in order to stay away from my ever-present scarcity beliefs.  I learned from an early age that there wasn’t enough; enough time, money, attention, love…just enough to survive.  I grew up believing that I didn’t have the right to want more and I should be happy with what I had.  I also thought perhaps I didn’t deserve more; somehow I’d internalized a self-imposed punishment for not ‘being enough’.  If I was enough my parents would be happy and stop drinking, I wouldn’t be abandoned and left alone, my siblings wouldn’t hurt so much.  Eventually, these belief systems overwhelmed me and I had to do a jail break from them or completely give up.  Although they are still back ground music in my day at times, I can now easily turn down the volume or turn the power off.  I have come to recognize the distortion of these thoughts and chosen not to buy into them any longer.
I can now open my hands and heart to receive the unlimited resource that surrounds me.  I choose to focus on having my needs met and acknowledge with gratitude the abundance that pours into my life.  When fear of scarcity rears its head and tells me to hold on to what I have with grasping hands; I will remind myself gently that I can release these old beliefs and trust the loving, generous and supportive universe that embraces me.  I intend to visualize limitless abundance today.

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