There is a time for rest and a time for attending to
responsibilities; a time to play and a time to work. Giving in to impulsive urges to avoid
obligations and take off doing mindless activity is tempting but ultimately
matters are only made worse. Tasks still
need to be completed and procrastination only increases worry, anxiety, defeat,
and low self-esteem.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Today, I choose to strive for moderation. I will diligently take care of the things
that require my attention. I will
remember to nourish myself with good nutrition and exercise. I will take time
to breathe and relax. I will give myself
permission to play and rest. I will
avoid excess and be mindful of maintaining equilibrium and balance. At least I’ll try…
Friday, March 29, 2013
Is it the end of the road?
There are times when it certainly feels like the end and all hope is
gone. I can see no way out and
catastrophe is looming in the air. I’m
at a dead stop wondering what now. Then,
out of seemingly nowhere, I notice the next best step and then the next and
next.. Before long I look back and see
that the road has taken a turn, I look ahead and see a new stretch of road
before me. I am enlivened again with
optimism and confidence.
I have learned to not trust what I feel is ‘the end’ but
rather to wait with hope for the next best step, surrendering my agenda,
breathing, opening my heart to whatever will come. Believing there is a purpose to road I am on
brings me comfort, a hint of promise and possibility, an ability to remain in
the question, and a sense of peace.
Today, I will be reminded that each of us walks our own journey. Where?
I don’t know but I trust the road will continue…
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Fear binds up the spirit and creates havoc within. Although fear might knock on the door of my
heart today, I don’t have to open the door and invite it in. I can ignore it by distracting myself with
more healthy pursuits. I can face it and
challenge its false claims of doom and disaster with the truth serum of love
and transformation. While danger may be
an actual reality to be faced and dealt with; fear is based only on thoughts
and beliefs that are like wisps of wind that can be present one moment and gone
the next.
I choose to courageously face the dangers and confrontations
that show up in my life today and to recognize fear for the ‘boogey man’ it is. I will stand strong knowing I have the
ability to bravely encounter the moments of fear I may face with wisdom, strength and
faith in myself, my journey, my friends, my higher power and a universe that continues
to unfold and grow in love.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I choose to open my mind to different ways of interpreting
the events that occur in this day. It is
very easy for me to lock on to the dysfunctional belief patterns of blaming (They’re
out to get me), inadequacy (I’ll never be good enough), narcissisim (It needs to be my way), or All or nothing
thinking (Noone ever…Everyone always…It’s never going…). Although this thinking is familiar it also
leads me down the rabbit hole of negativity.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Growing can be thrilling as I open myself up to new
opportunities and innovative, creative ways of doing things. Growing can be scary as I step into the
unknown believing there will be solid ground to stand on. Growing can be frustrating as I try out new
behaviors and skills and struggle for mastery.
Growing can be irritating when I’m pushed into it before I’m ready to
move forward. Growing can be sad when I
have to let go of people, places, and things and say goodbye. Growing can be inviting and welcome as I face this new 24
I choose to open my being to the growth that presents itself
today. However, I may feel as it appears
I will breathe, reassure myself, and then take a step forward trusting this
path I am on.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Taking time to breathe, clear my mind, and center can feel
like a waste of time but it certainly isn’t!
It is as essential to my wellbeing as eating, exercising, connecting
with friends, and sleeping. There are
always so many details to attend to and reasons to put off a few minutes of
meditation. When I was younger I was too
busy surviving, people pleasing, and trying hard to not make mistakes to
acknowledge a need for a time out. Those
days are over and it’s now necessary to develop new habits.
Today I will slow down and recognize my need for grounding
and silence. I will deliberately set
aside the time I need to be still within and quiet. I will center myself in tranquility and allow
my heart to be full. In this moment, nothing is so
important it can't wait. I breathe in serenity and peace.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Today, I will take responsibility for my feelings, thoughts
and actions. I will recognize when blaming
others surfaces in my mind and remind myself that no one is ultimately
in control of my life, except me. I can
acknowledge my feelings and find ways to get my needs met. I accept myself; my feelings, thoughts, needs, actions. This is my life to live as I choose.
I often forget what I
feel is dependent on my beliefs and thoughts.
I feel sad, disappointed, hurt, angry, happy, or whatever and can easily
blame others for generating these feelings in me. By doing so, I absolve myself of
responsibility and feel disempowered. No
wonder it’s so easy to feel victimized and out of control. I can sometimes overlook the fact that my
feelings are created by my own judgments, interpretations, assumptions, and
the stories I tell myself about the events that occur in my life. If I choose to tell myself ‘this is the worst
day ever’ or ‘things should go the way I want them to go and it’s horrible when
they don’t’, of course I’m going to feel very frustrated and upset. If I choose to tell myself ‘this isn’t what I
want, but sometimes I get what I want and sometimes I don’t’, then I still feel
may feel discouraged but it won’t be such an extreme experience.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Today, I recognize that no one is without fault and I choose
not to strive for perfection but rather to accept myself for who I am. I give myself permission to grow, change,
learn, and make mistakes. I admit when I
am wrong, take responsibility for my actions, and forgive myself for the times when
I act outside my integrity. I am accountable for what I choose to do or not do.
One of the ways I stay in the victim role is through making
excuses. I make excuses for my lapses in
judgment, the things I feel ashamed to admit, my own laziness, my imperfection,
the things that don’t go the way I plan.
I struggle to acknowledge or take responsibility for my slipups or
mistakes. I learned very early that it
was dangerous to allow another to see my inadequacy so I began to hide behind my
apologies, explanations, justifications, and excuses.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
As this morning dawns I wonder what new experiences will
unfold in my life. Will I be able to embrace
what is welcome, as well as, what is not so welcome? Will I open my heart to receive what this day
holds and learn from the lessons that present themselves? Will I connect with the people who show up
and allow myself to love and be loved? Will I allow myself to break open and surrender my stubborness?
Will I take risks and be willing to fall? Will I recognize the music of creation and dance with it?
Monday, March 11, 2013
Waiting for answers,
Waiting for answers,
Waiting for other’s to make up their mind or me to make up
Waiting for doors to open or close,
Waiting for spring to come and flowers to bloom,
Waiting for red lights to change or cell phones to ring,
Waiting for unwanted consequences to unfold or not,
Waiting for the pot to boil or the car to warm up,
Waiting to win the lottery or for pigs to fly.
Waiting is often filled with expectations, some of them realistic, some not so much. However, to wait with an open heart and open hands, to live in the moment instead of anticipation of what will be next; this is welcome balm to my anxious heart.
Waiting is often filled with expectations, some of them realistic, some not so much. However, to wait with an open heart and open hands, to live in the moment instead of anticipation of what will be next; this is welcome balm to my anxious heart.
Today I will remain rooted in the moment, enjoying it as it
unfolds in its time. I release my
expectations and breathe in NOW.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Today, I choose to have more mindfulness about the thoughts
I put in my head. I will breathe and
relax allowing myself to just be. When
unsettling, troubling thoughts attempt to knock on the door of my
consciousness, I will send them away like unwelcomed guests. When I discover upset or worry have taken
residence within, I will soothe and reassure myself remembering that right now
in this moment all is well. I will
breathe in peace and exhale the tension I find within, transforming my worries
into tiny pieces of fluff that float away and dissolve. Right now all is well.
Who creates the stress in my head? I do.
When I ruminate on details endlessly and think of every possible way I
could do something, I add to my ‘stress-meter’.
When I imagine everything that might go wrong, filling my mind with
‘what-if’s’ and probabilities, I increase my worry. When I criticize for the tiniest of flaws and
expect myself or others to be perfect, I become frazzled. When I spend time re-playing things that
didn’t go the way I wanted them to go and shame myself and others endlessly for
not living up to my expectations, I create unhappiness and
dissatisfaction. These thoughts leave me
feeling tense, jittery, paralyzed and full of anxiety, certainly not ready and
open to life.
Friday, March 8, 2013

Anxious moments appear sometimes seemingly out of
nowhere. Suddenly I feel overwhelmed by
fear of rejection, fear of inadequacy, fear of the unknown, fear of
abandonment, fear of being hurt, fears pop out of the closet like boogey men to
haunt me. I have learned to slow down
rather than run away, to breathe and recognize what my inner child is trying to
tell me is needed. Something is happening
that is being interpreted as a threat, if I can calm myself I will be able to
shift through my experience to figure out what is needed. Perhaps I need to be reminded that I am
enough or reassured that I am safe, maybe I need to set a boundary or give myself
permission to take a risk.
Today, I will take my time and move at my own pace. I will acknowledge my fears and allow them to
inform me of what is required. I will
nurture and accept myself, appreciating my feelings and needs. I choose to stand confidently and courageously rooted
in this day, breathing and being.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Today starts with a clean slate. I can choose to begin again, start over, and open
myself to the possibilities of this new day.
Likewise, I can decide to hold on to the past and let it pollute this
moment by expecting more of the same and probably getting that expectation
fulfilled. There is a time to
consciously deal with unresolved issues, however, if I hold on to grudges and
rigidly cling to limited beliefs about myself and others, I do harm to myself
and miss out on the opportunities this day holds.
I choose to free myself from the bondage of the past and to
open my mind and heart to the gifts now offers.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Many times I act as if I am the ‘Master Controller’ of the
universe, expecting everyone and everything to bow down to my desires and
wishes. It can get very lonely and scary
ruling the empire by myself. It’s also exhausting
taking accountability for everything that goes awry. I am convinced of the need to let go of the need
to control. When I was younger, I had to
assume responsibility that I wasn’t prepared or ready to handle. I tried desperately to influence the people
and situations around me in an effort to avoid conflict, chaos, pain, and
suffering. It created an illusion of
safety but really wasn’t all that successful.
Today I find myself often holding on to control when it isn’t
necessary. I can choose to let go and
trust that the universe is unfolding as it should. I am not alone, you are willing
and ready to work with me. When I need
to step up to the bat I can do so and then surrender it when the need is
over. I will breathe and remind myself
that I am safe and confusion or chaos doesn’t require the same response now as
it did then. I will open my mind and
heart to share power with you and work as a teammate. I have gifts and skills and so do you,
together we can create moments of brilliance.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
I no longer choose to pay those costs. I will take responsibility for the challenges
I face in this day. True it may be scary
to take risks, however, I will acknowledge my courage and learn the lessons I
need to learn. I will comfort and
nurture myself when I fall short of the mark, get up and try again. I will celebrate my successes and affirm my
belief in myself. I will listen to my
feelings and recognize they are temporary experiences. I will be curious about the stories I tell
myself that create these feelings and notice when these stories are judgments
and assumptions. I will communicate my
needs assertively without expectation. I
am in control of my life and choose a life of empowerment this day.
When feelings flood my being and knock me off my feet I can
either drown or learn to swim. It’s easy
to give in and to allow the waves of feeling to sweep me away wherever the tide
might take me but then I end up feeling victimized and powerless. Saying and doing things that I regret; I
blame others for ‘making’ me feel this way and take no responsibility for my
actions. The payoffs for giving into
helplessness are others may rush to fix me, trying to rescue me from the
whirlpool of my emotions, making excuses for me and not allowing me to
experience the consequences of my actions.
But, the choice of victimhood has high costs.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Today, I will remember that you have the right to make
choices that work for you just as I have the right to make choices that work
for me. I will release my belief that I
control you in anyway and bless you to be who you are whether I agree with you
or not. I deserve the same blessing from
you that I offer. I surrender my desire
to understand or make sense of your choices as it’s none of my business. I will focus my attention on the choices I
make today and walk in freedom, living in this moment and allowing it to unfold
as it will.
There are days when it is easy to take things personally and
to believe the worst about myself and others.
This leads to hurt, fear of connection, discouragement, anger,
disillusionment and suffering. I become
the center of the universe and believe that others’ choices are reactions to
something I said or did. I begin to shame myself for being inadequate
or blame others for being hurtful and at fault. Neither of these options works for me anymore.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Today I will recognize when I feel slighted or hurt and ask
myself what story I’m telling myself that is creating this feeling. Before I react, I will communicate my
interpretation of your action directly to you in order to find out if I’ve
misunderstood your intention; most of the time I find I have. I will remember that I want to participate in
an honest, open encounter with you and create mutual acceptance, and care. I choose to walk the road with you today showing you the respect you deserve.
Being respectful and showing others that I value and care for
them is a high priority for me. However,
it’s a reality that becomes nearly impossible when my mind becomes filled with judgment
and expectation. I stop seeing you as
you really are and suddenly it’s more about me than it is you or us. Respect starts to slip away and I begin to
react. Sometimes I am completely unaware
that the thoughts I am telling myself about what you said or did are not facts
but merely beliefs or assumptions. I
blindly create walls, prejudice, distance and disrespect, becoming angry, hurt,
frustrated, narrow-minded and intolerant.
This is definitely not the person I choose to be.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
It’s very possible to avoid this experience if I only stay
mindful of what I am doing. Today I will
listen to my body and take care to its needs.
I will remain aware when I am over-doing it, remind myself that I can
dare to be adequate and release myself from the perfectionism trap. I will acknowledge my feelings and needs and
attend to them with compassion and openness.
I will breathe and rest when I am tired.
I choose to take care of myself first so I can be available to others.
Pushing, pushing, pushing, there are times when I pressure
myself to perform, to achieve, to strive for perfection until finally my body
cries out ‘ouch, stop’ and refuses to go any further. I become irritable and unpleasant, alienating
those around me. I feel depressed ,
frustrated with myself and out of sorts.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Procrastination whispers invitingly in my ear: “Later,
tomorrow, there’s no rush, you can wait, not now.”
While I may feel temporary relief when I listen to this seductive voice,
I usually set myself up for increased stress, problems sleeping, stomach aches and
panic. I miss out on
opportunities, disappointed others and myself by unfinished or forgotten
promises, prepare insufficiently for success, and then
blame and shame myself for my laziness.
And even so, the voice of procrastination still has appeal and tempts
me. Putting off movement is greatly
influenced by my inability to recognize the payoff/costs ratio. If the payoff isn’t greater than the costs I
don’t move. Sometimes my lack of
motivation is due to fear of taking risks and failing, other times it’s because
I think I don’t have enough information to make a decision and I’m scared of
possible outcomes and not being able to control results. I let ‘what ifs’ stop me in my tracks and
deceive myself by believing I’ll feel more motivated or ready to act tomorrow.
Today, I choose to take time to focus my energy, prioritize my
goals, remember the benefits of taking action over inaction, balance my
activity so I’m not worn out by trying to do too much, and breathe. I will step forward responsibly and
accomplish what lies before me. I will
take time to rest and restore myself, recognizing what has been achieved and
giving myself a pat on the back. I can
do one thing at a time and set small, manageable goals. There is no time like NOW.
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