Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Letting Go of Shame

Shame feels like a sticky substance that becomes attached to my experience and is extremely difficult to remove, despite numerous attempts.  Shame is created by my interpretation of an event; the thoughts I have about what I or someone else says or doesn’t say, does or doesn’t do.  Shame makes me want to hide, defend myself, or run away.  It follows me wherever I go and results in isolation, embarrassment, humiliation, and rejection of myself and others. 

Today, I will face the shame I feel and wash myself clean in a shower of affirmation and acceptance.  I am human and imperfect. Although, I am limited and at times lacking judgment, I can transform my perceived mistakes into important moments of learning.  I will acknowledge the distortions of truth that generate shame and remind myself of my worth and value and that no one can make me feel inadequate or less than without my permission.   I will wrap myself in the warmth of unconditional love, forgive myself, and release the shame I feel.  Freedom from my own shame increases my ability to accept and love those around me. 
May we have the wisdom and strength to let go of  shame and build bonds of connection and peace.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you do not mine, but I really wanted to share this.
