Monday, January 20, 2014

Removing the Invisibiity Cloak

Being invisible is no longer an option for me.  When I was younger, I learned that remaining unseen was a far safer way to avoid pain and hurt than letting others know what I think, feel and need.  I allowed the people in my life to dictate my direction in order to prevent conflict.  There was rarely, if ever, an interest in my perspective or needs so it was not difficult to remain hidden.  In the process I became unknown even to myself.  Eventually, I lost awareness of my own thoughts, feelings, and needs.  Although I’m pretty sure somewhere inside me I must have remembered because my body experienced anxiety, anger, depression and resentment. 


Now, I have re-discovered the person who was hidden inside.  I have unearthed the buried treasure within and in the process learned to acknowledge and express what I find there.  I will no longer hide in the shadows, suppressing my truth.  I can speak what I know and recognize the reward of being seen.  I have found others show up for me and are interested in what I think, feel, and need.  The pleasure of being seen, loved and valued is way more satisfying than the invisibility cloak I wore before.  Today, I will allow you to know me and step out of the shadows.

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