Here I am allowing grudges and hurts from the past to control
the relationships I have today. What
stops me? Doubt, suspicion, fear of
being lied to, manipulated, or abandoned, although I admit there is no evidence
to indict the person in front of me right now.
I still find myself holding back and unable to relax and trust. I acknowledge that damage has occurred, however,
I refuse to be limited by my past.
Today I will remind the younger part of me that I do have a
choice about who I allow into my inner circle.
I have a right to be treated with respect and can say yes or no and set
boundaries. I am no longer the naïve younger
person I once was. Over the years, I
have learned to choose more wisely and recognize signs of trouble. I have found my voice and am able to express
what needs to be said. I am safe now and
can trust myself and those I choose to love.