Extending a hand to support, encourage, and express kindness is
a comfortable and satisfying experience.
It feels natural and is easily accomplished. However, reaching out a hand to be supported
or comforted is a nearly impossible feat.
It feels dangerous and unwise. An
expectation emerges about being strong and doing it on my own. It informs me that showing vulnerability should be avoided at all costs. No one cares or is available to meet my
needs and I will only end up feeling sad, lonely, and hurt. These outdated beliefs
no longer serve my purposes.
Perhaps at one time they were useful in preventing pain, but now they
only foster suffering.
Today, I will remember
that it is safe to acknowledge my needs and to ask for what I want. Usually the people I choose to ask are more than willing to assist me, however, if they aren't available, I will not give up
in defeat, I can ask someone else. I
deserve to be heard and acknowledged. It
is no longer dangerous to allow myself to be comforted and consoled. I can trust those I choose to confide in and
open my heart to receive nurturance.
This is my goal for the day.
Reaching out is difficult when your life experiences have created an aura of fear and isolation. Working towards surrounding myself with a support system that can and will meet my needs is a goal that I strive to meet. In the future I hope that I will be able to ask for my needs to be met, the way I both want and need for them to be meet.