Friday, January 25, 2013


Abundance seems to multiply as I share what I have, what I know, and who I am.  I learned when I was younger to hold on to things because often it seemed there was a scarcity of food, money, safety, love, or whatever I needed.  Survival depended upon keeping secrets, holding in the truth, and grabbing what you could get when you had a chance.   Sharing and generosity were out of the question.  It felt as though only the strongest, most resilient, and quickest endured. 
Today, I no longer have to grasp for what I need.  I have come to understand that it is safe to let go and I have experienced the universe as a kind and caring place to be.  As I release grudges and skeletons in my closet, compassion and forgiveness expand my heart.  As I surrender the fear of not having enough or being enough and stop holding on so tightly to what I possess, I discover an unlimited abundance that flows and emerges mysteriously.  As I share what I have and know with others, I find a treasure chest of rich supply.  I have learned there is more than enough to go around for all of us.

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