Sunday, January 13, 2013


I remember being given advice as a child, “if you catch on fire STOP, DROP AND ROLL.”  This saying could be helpful for me to remember whenever I begin to burn inside with intense emotion.  To STOP in my tracks and take a time out to give my body and my mind a chance to cool down; if I don’t I will most likely say or do something I will later regret.  To DROP down into a place within me to reflect on what is creating my reactivity, what story am I telling myself about the person or situation that is upsetting me so much?  Sometimes it’s a distortion such as, “You never or always…” or a judgment like, “You should”.  Other times it’s an assumption or some meaning I’m assigning that may or may not be true because I “just know”.  Identifying what I think will help me understand where my feeling is coming from and then I can figure out what I need in this situation, maybe to be treated with respect, or to know that you value and appreciate me, or to be heard or understood.  I will get nowhere if my need is to expect you to change since I don’t have the right to tell you what to do but I can ask for what I want or need.  Taking time to recognize my process will help me to ROLL.  Now, I can assertively tell you what I think, feel and need without creating a firestorm and we can find a solution to our problem rather than creating a bigger one. 
I want to remember this adage and apply it as I face the challenges of this day. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a simple way to remember to slow down and think. Thank you for posting this.
