Friday, January 11, 2013


Like a scared child I often hear myself saying “I can’t” or “Well, I’ll try” without any intention of putting effort into what needs to be accomplished so I can then say to myself “See, I told you it wouldn’t work”.  As those voices surface within me today, I will reassure and comfort the part of me that is frightened.  I will take stock of whether or not the endeavor I’m trying to complete is what I truly want or whether it’s something I think I should do to please others,  something I’m stuck in doing that I once wanted but no longer desire, or something that I’m doing for motives that aren’t in my integrity.  It’s possible to change course and redirect my efforts if needed.  However, I may need to remind myself of the many goals I have achieved that I once thought were unreachable.  I am often a poor judge of my own capabilities.  Those who know me and love me encourage, cheer, and celebrate qualities within me I can forget or brush under the table. 
Today, I will access my current willingness to do what needs to be done and distinguish between what is difficult to do and what I don't' want to do.  I will nurture and remind my scared self of the accomplishments I have reached and reinforce my belief that I can achieve what I can dream.  I will take one step today closer to the unimaginable, unreachable goal I have set.  


  1. As the saying goes, "the journey of a thousand footsteps begins with a single one." Recognizing that changes need to be made to enhance my life, I have started with that one step that helps me to get closer to the unimaginable, unreachable goal I have set.

  2. Your affirmation is inspiring. Personally, I have taken one step closer to the unimaginable, unreachable goal I set and contiue to dream of eventually meeting my objective.
