Nothing lasts forever.
There are times when this is a comforting and welcome bit of news,
especially when life is painful and hard to bear. I can tell myself it’s only temporary, change
is inevitable and soon you will feel differently than you do now. Other times non-permanence is a sad and
frustrating experience, especially when I want the situation or feeling to last
longer. It can be tempting to try to
hold on until it mournfully slips from my grasp. When I was little there was so much change
all around me that I struggled to remain upright and keep my balance. I learned to not depend on anyone because
people leave. I learned to not expect
what was promised because promises were broken.
So as an adult, it can be challenging to believe in stability,
constancy, and steadfast commitment.
Today, I would like to be comfortable in the ever-spinning dance
of life. Bobbing and weaving, back and
forth, as life flows through this day.
Holding on and savoring the moments and experiences that I love with gratitude and
appreciation and then opening my hands gracefully to allow change. I feel the solidity of the earth beneath my
feet and the core of my being strong and resilient within. I can trust those I choose to put my faith in
and know that although relationships, circumstances, and life may evolve into
something different, I remain solid in my faith in myself, others, my higher
power and a belief that life is continually offering opportunities to transform
and grow. I will listen to the music and
I like to think that things tend to change for the better.