Wednesday, January 16, 2013


‘Here a fear, there a fear, everywhere a fear.’  There are some days when fear is present from the moment I wake up and seems to stick around like a best friend.   Self-doubt, what-if’s, blame, making excuses, catastrophic thinking, figuring out plans to manipulate and control circumstances and people, stomach aches threaten to paralyze me.   Pushing it away with will-power is ineffective, perhaps some temporary relief, but fear is like a persistent virus that keeps coming back.    
As it appears today, I will breathe and mindfully acknowledge fear’s presence having gratitude for the ways in which my psyche intends to keep me safe.  I will ascertain what is creating the fear (a stressful situation, lack of sleep, doubt in my own abilities, concern about another’s reaction, possible undesired outcomes, etc.)  I will assess how much danger actually exists and decide if caution is called for in the moment.  It typically isn’t.  I will then comfort the younger part of myself that feels frightened and gently rock her with words of comfort:  You are enough, You can ask for help if you need it, if mistakes occur you will learn from them and move on it’s not the end of the world, You cannot control what others choose to do or not do, You have all the resources you need in the moment even if you can’t see them right now, You are never truly alone.   Love and reassurance do help to dispel fear.  I will breathe; calm my anxious body and step into this day with hope, trust, courage, and resilience.

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