Friday, May 17, 2013


Occasionally, past memories haunt and break into my present.  They stir up old, forgotten, uncomfortable feelings; bringing sadness, regret, anger, fear, experiences of discomfort.  I can try to push them away and bury them deeply into my unconscious until the next time they decide to visit.  I can distract myself from them by filling my day with busyness and activity or I can medicate myself into forgetfulness with alcohol and drugs.  However, these strategies are only temporary solutions that carry with them consequences of poor self-esteem, physical illness, and anxiety.
Instead, I choose to acknowledge these experiences and welcome them as long forgotten friends.  They have influenced me and been a part of my life, both for good and not so good.  They are echoes of the past and hold no power over me now.  I can choose to recognize them and then gently bid them farewell once again.  If forgiveness of others or self is needed, I can choose to offer it if I wish to do so.  If there is something left unsaid to someone, I can speak my truth and release it.  No longer do I need to hold on to what no longer serves me.  My history has made me who I am, however it doesn’t have to determine my life and the choices I make today.

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