Wednesday, May 29, 2013


In the effort to avoid emotional pain, I develop elaborate defense mechanisms. I can deny it exists and sweep it under the rug.  I can minimize it and pretend it’s no big deal.  I can withdraw and develop thick walls to isolate myself.  I can blame it on others becoming critical and judgmental or striking back with threatening words and actions.  I can rationalize it away so I don’t have to feel anything.  I can try to control through the illusion of perfectionism and over-compensation.  I can distract myself with excess food, alcohol, or busy activity to prevent seeing it.  These defenses provide me with temporary relief like a Band-Aid on a gaping wound but fail to provide the true healing I really need.
Today, I choose to mindfully face the pain that comes my way.  I will issue a cease fire and lay down my arms.  No more war within or with others.  I will acknowledge pain's existence and its sources.  I will take positive actions to nurture and protect myself.  I may set boundaries that are needed or communicate my feelings, thoughts and needs assertively or take a time out to give myself a chance to recoup or make a decision to forgive and let go.  I will allow the pain to be my own personal guide to transformation and change.  I can breathe and make space for the pain in my heart understanding it will not last forever. 

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