Saturday, June 29, 2013


I am on a treasure hunt today.  I will be mindful of the precious moments I encounter in this day.  The gift of friendship that nurtures, enfolds and comforts me, the beauty of nature that lifts me up, the blessing of having my daily necessities met, the delight of surprises that await me, the fabric of love that embraces me, the freedom to believe what I choose and live as I wish, the grace of health and healing energy.
I am an adventurous explorer of gratitudes today and as obstacles and challenges appear, I choose to envision myself surrounded by a circle of light and love

Thursday, June 27, 2013


I have the power to choose what works for me and what doesn’t.  I learned to distrust my own ability to choose growing up when others made choices for me that I was expected to accept and be happy about.  The problem was often these decisions weren’t made in my best interests; they minimized or disregarded my thoughts, feelings and needs.  I began to doubt my own perceptions and sense of knowing.  As I grew older I allowed others to influence my choices and determine my direction.
Today, I have worked hard to rediscover and listen to my own truth.  I listen to suggestions others make and then discern what fits and what doesn’t.  I am mindful of my own awareness and empower myself to take responsibility and accountability for the choices I make.  I steer my own boat through the waters of this life.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


I want to believe what others tell me is true.  Yet after multiple experiences of being deceived, let down, and having others call me naïve, my suspicious nature seems to have been reinforced.  Still there are many times when I distrust and question even when the evidence doesn’t merit the skepticism. 
Today, I will mindfully listen and observe, paying attention to my apprehension and wariness, however, I choose not to allow mistrust to rule my life.  Most of the people I encounter are honest and can be believed.  I would much rather err on the side of love than set up a fortress with walls of distrust.  If I am mistaken I will set the boundaries that are necessary. I am safe now and can allow my intuition to guide me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Demands of the day and unexpected stressors can threaten the peacefulness I would like to cultivate.  I will take a moment to just breathe and feel my feet hugging the earth.  I am centered and firmly planted like a tree with deep roots.  Despite the winds of change, my trunk is solid and can withstand the pressure around me.  I choose to stand still and feel the solid ground supporting me.  What a gift this connection to myself, my friends, the earth and my higher power is.  I will meet the challenges of this day with quietness and confidence.

Monday, June 24, 2013


It sometimes feels as though I am defined by the rules of others.  Rules about what is and isn’t okay in certain circumstances.  Times to be ‘polite’, procedures that must be followed, social conventions, roles to play, what to wear, how to look, when to speak, behaviors that are expected, and tradition to be respected; is there any freedom for spontaneity, for originality. 
Despite the push to conform, there is room to be me and there is space to be you.  Each journey is marked by irreplaceable, exceptional moments that are one of a kind.  Listening to the beat of my own drum I will move forward into this day giving myself permission to be.  I will also bless you to hear the music of your own soul and accept the ways in which you do your unique dance.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I am committed to living this day with integrity and compassion.  Being committed to a purpose requires steadfast loyalty to what I believe in.  It means taking responsibility for my obligations and remaining faithful to my values.  There are moments when it feels simpler to give in or give up because I’m no longer in the mood to do what I promised to do.  Today I choose to remain firmly grounded in my belief in myself, others and my higher power no matter how I feel. 

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Is there really enough?  Enough resource, enough love, enough attention, enough to fill my need?  I find myself grasping to acquire, control and hold on to the people I love, the things I have, and the attention I get.  Deep inside me is a place that sometimes feels empty.  Fear can begin to set in and suddenly I catch myself in ‘deprivation’ mode once again trying desperately to survive.
Today, I have the intention to believe in abundance.  In this moment I am full and my needs are met.  I can let go of my desire to build a stockpile warding off the expectation of scarcity.   I choose to affirm my own adequacy and to allow the generous resources of love, material goods, and attention that flow my way to be shared and enjoyed by those around me.  Life is full and life is abundant.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Disappointments come and go, delight and surprise comes and goes, feelings flow from one experience to the next.  Nothing lasts.  I find myself in turmoil whenever I seek to hold on to an experience or a feeling that is ready to move on.  It’s easy to let go of the hard, uncomfortable moments, it’s the juicy, satisfying ones that I wish I could keep around longer.  I want to remember that the more I hold on the less open I am for new and even better outcomes to occur.  Acceptance without grasping and attachment is what I’m striving to live.  May today be filled with the experiences I need to have in order to love more deeply and grow more authentic.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Dealing with turmoil comes naturally to me, however to sit still and just be is very challenging.  I can handle crisis and overcome difficulties, but when times are peaceful and quiet it feels boring.  Today, I will relax and breathe and not give in to the temptation to generate drama in order to feel normal.  I choose to create a new ‘normal’, recognizing it will take time to allow myself to acclimate to now.  I am grateful for this day that inspires and enlivens me and despite my old beliefs is far from boring.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


I am determined to remain grounded, positive and present today.  Many things attempt to sway me from this intention.  Thoughts that it’s all for nothing and doesn’t matter anyway, feelings of fear and discouragement, desire to go the easy way and give up, beliefs that one person can’t really make a difference.  However, I will persevere and hold on to hope.  I can stand strong in my power to be who I am.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Some days it’s easy to identify how boundaries help me.  They protect me from being overwhelmed and keep me responsible for my own feelings, thoughts, and needs instead of distracting myself by becoming enmeshed in yours.  They inform me when I am being taken advantage of or treated with disrespect.  They help me believe in myself and stay present.  Sometimes I forget how my setting boundary helps you.  The message I give you when I say NO respectfully is a strong, positive affirmation of my belief that you can take responsibility for your needs.  I see you as someone who is capable of taking action on your own behalf.  I refrain from giving you the subtly, shaming message ‘poor you, you need me, I’m not sure I believe in you.’  If I perceive your need for help I will wait until you invite me to specifically offer assistance in some way, rather than rushing in and taking over.  I choose to connect with you collaboratively and compassionately.  If you don’t like what I am willing to give, I will remind myself that ultimately you are responsible for your own welfare.  If you dislike hearing no I will remind myself that my NO is really a YES to believing in you.
I intend to remember how the boundaries I set for myself today are not only good for me, but they also benefit you. 

Friday, June 14, 2013


The struggle for perfection eludes me as I frequently am caught up in failed attempts to achieve it.    I try to run away from the shame and lack I feel within, the illusion that I’ll be enough if I just try harder to be perfect follows me wherever I go.  This sorry state of affairs has gone on for much too long, I am through playing the game.

I intend to leave behind this distortion of being.  I choose to believe that I am enough.  I will affirm this belief though out this day, turning the volume up on the nurturing voice of my inner cheerleader.  YOU DO BELONG!  YOU ARE ENOUGH!  YOU ARE LOVED FOR WHO YOU ARE!  GO, BE, LIVE!

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Life force shines in all living beings.  Although it is dimmed at times when depression, anger, fear, and addiction block its glow, it steadfastly remains ready to burst forth into resilience, growth, healing, and compassion.  Today, I intend to recognize that flow of life in all I encounter.  I will visualize it shining out of the eyes I look into and streaming out of the hearts I touch.  I will notice its presence in nature and listen to the pulse beat of life all around me.  Mostly, I will acknowledge it within my own being and whispers words of gratitude for the connection, energy, and grace I experience this day.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Some days radiate with hopefulness and potential, other days are bland and empty, and still other days are dark and endless.  No matter what this day holds it provides multiple opportunities to choose.  I can choose to mope, withdraw and pout that things aren’t going my way or shut down and pass the time in mindless activity or addiction.  I could opt to explore what is working or not working or possibly reach out to others for encouragement and support.  I might look for chances to pass on what has been given to me and share compassion and faith with others.  I might even simply choose to stand still with awareness believing that this moment invites me to peace and meaning.
So many choices, so much fullness, so much promise, so much possibility.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


There is a difference between criticizing another and letting another know what I need.  My tendency is to tell YOU how you aren’t measuring up rather than letting you know what I need. I want to remember that communicating I need YOU to do something is very different from I need something.  When I acknowledge my own needs, it’s a softer and gentler, non-demanding expression and more likely to be heard and received without defensiveness.  I am tired of unconsciously pushing others away with my unintentional criticism.
Today, I intend to increase awareness of how often and how I communicate to others my expectations that they change.  I will recognize and validate my own needs and try to communicate these needs without blaming you for not meeting them. 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Criticism comes naturally to me.  I impose my judgment sometimes without a second thought and can easily wrap people up and shove them into little boxes in my mind.  I’m an equal opportunity ‘criticizer’ because I do the same thing to myself.  I condemn myself and frequently find the internal finger wagging  at me saying ‘shame on you’. 
Rather than putting myself down and reproaching myself for this behavior, today, I choose to recognize with gratitude when I am sowing shame.  Awareness is a gift and having it helps me to change what no longer works for me.  I will open my heart to release the inner exile and embrace what has been pushed away and judged unworthy.  It is through acceptance, not exorcism, that healing comes to me.  It is through understanding and encouragement, not criticism, that I change.  When I do this for myself first I will then be able to genuinely pass it on to others.

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Being here, being now means letting go of my agenda for all the doing that waits for attention.  It means believing that breathing and being are of worth and value.  It means trusting in process and flow.  I take this breath, and the next …and the next…
Every breath I take affirms life and being, brings change to every cell of my body, settles and calms my mind.  Just breathe is my motto for this day.  I’ll be doing it anyhow so I might as well do it mindfully.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


What do I really want?  Do I want health, money, love, attention, safety, acknowledgement, peace, fulfillment?  Although I have hundreds of wants or desires a day, rarely do I actually sit and contemplate what my truest desires are.  I spend time trying to get my needs met and acquiring what I want, yet I often still feel dissatisfied.  Perhaps my focus is misplaced, maybe ego and desire do get in the way of my finding peace. 
Today, I will spend time reflecting on this question, allowing myself to know and accept my truth. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


My feelings come and they go; sometimes sticking around longer than other times, but eventually shifting and changing.  They are temporary, fleeting experiences dependent upon my thinking for their survival.  If I take time to examine the interpretation I place on an event, often I find an assumption or judgment I am making and a feeling attached to that belief.  Feelings add depth and richness to my experience, they can point the way to changes I need to make and provide me with information about myself and others.  However, they also can sabotage my energy and hold me hostage if I let them do so.   
Rather than taking my feelings so seriously or allowing them to determine my reality, I will choose to take time to have curiosity about the feeling and explore the thoughts that are attached to it.  I will accept and open my heart to the feelings I have today, the ones I enjoy as well as the ones I’d rather avoid. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Letting myself mindfully invest in this day, I choose to breathe and remain present to those I meet, what I do, and how I am. 

Monday, June 3, 2013


Be where you are.  Be who you are.  Be what you are.  Be how you are. 
Rather than allowing my worries and fears about what if hold me back, I choose to be where I am now.  Instead of living in a trance of unworthiness and shame, I choose to be who I am now. Rather than envying the gifts of others and trying to be someone else, I choose to be what I am now. I am enough. Instead of trying to control this moment and make it different than what I feel and need now, I choose to be how I am. I embrace this day and all it holds and I wrap my heart around my being-ness comforted by the fullness of being here and now.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Shame resides very near my needing to be heard and seen, to be given attention.  When I become aware of this need I tell myself ‘how selfish are you’ and ‘shame on you’, which intensifies my belief that I don’t deserve to be acknowledged or loved.   Then, I reach out and try to get what I need by over-giving to others which ends in my feeling resentment and bitterness, which tends to reinforce my belief that I'm not loveable.  Not a very pretty picture.  I realize that my need and want of being special is an echo of my early years of rejection and neglect. 
Rather than pushing myself away and re-wounding this part of me, today I choose to treat myself with kindness and respect.  I will whisper words of acceptance and be present to my need for approval, letting myself know that I see me.  I refuse to shame myself any longer for having this need.  I am worth loving.