Friday, December 20, 2013

Channel Surfing

My perspective seems to shift depending on which channel on my ‘inner radio’ I am currently tuned into. 

·       CHANNEL 6 broadcasts stories about deprivation, victimhood, and scarcity which encourages me to hold on to what I have and cultivates stinginess and resentment. 

·       CHANNEL 18 tells me of my many failures, disappointments, and grievances which then throws me into a pit of hopelessness and despair. 

·       CHANNEL 13 reports on how unkind and scary the world is through remembered tales of terror and violence until I am paralyzed and afraid to move.

Fortunately, as I continue to turn the dial of the radio, I find there are voices that speak of generosity, kindness, and charity.  I discover channels that focus on gratitude and appreciation for the unlimited gifts the universe continues to unfold.  Then, there’s the station that focuses on affirming my worth and value, as well as, that of others. 

Today, I will only settle for the internal radio stations that support my growth and wholeness.  I will bypass those that would stunt my ability to be present to the gifts this day holds.  I have a choice about what I will tune into right now.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Reaching Goals

Determination and perseverance are invaluable gifts.  When I face the difficulties this day holds and am tempted to stray from the goals of healthy connection with others and my self,  I will stop impulsive reactivity and take a time out.  I will move forward from a place of integrity and groundedness, remembering I always have choice in how I deal with the challenges before me.  I am not a victim any longer. 

I am an empowered, responsible, compassionate, determined person who is capable of persevering and accomplishing what I set out to achieve.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Facing Today

Every day is a new beginning, a chance to start over.  Rather than being dragged down by poor choices, mistakes, and what has been; I choose to let go of yesterday and concentrate on what is today.  I can begin again and take what I have learned to make different choices.  I refuse to wallow in self-recrimination or self-pity.  This is a dead end road.  I will recognize the opportunity that this 24 hour day offers and accept the invitation.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Slow but Sure

At times it feels as though growth is impossible, the odds are definitely not in favor of it.  To even move forward a little bit requires herculean strength and even with that it is very slow going.  There are also times when growth appears effortless, as simple as breathing in and breathing out.  But those times seem to be rare.

Today I will remind myself that despite my perceptions, I am continually growing and changing and others are too.  When I think someone is set in his or her ways and never going to be different, it is helpful to remember that despite appearances growth is taking place.  It just may take a while before the fragile plant peeks its head out from under the soil.  If I am patient and water the ground with kindness and compassion and also discern between the weeds and the desired outcome, eventually, I will see within myself and those around me the change that is needed.