A thought-provoking
line from the movie “Perks of Being a Wallflower”: We invite the love in we think we deserve. As I acknowledge the people in my life who
love me, I realize it is true. I often only
allow myself to be loved and accepted as much as I think I deserve. When the line of what I think I deserve is
crossed, I push them away or find reasons to doubt their love is real. My own beliefs about my worth and value
prevent me from accepting the love that is available. No wonder I feel lonely and empty at
In addition, I realize
I have allowed myself to be deceived about what love is. I have, at times, kept people in my life who
haven’t been good for me. I have allowed
them to hurt, betray, disrespect, and step over my boundaries in the ‘name of
love’ thinking if I let their ‘love’ go I’d never find it again. This has led only to frustration, resentment,
depression, and reinforcement of the belief that I’m not loveable.
When programmed and trained in the idea that you are not lovable, that you are not worthy of love, it is a long and arduous journey to realizing that you deserve to feel loved. Having a circle of people in your life who constantly reinforce the positives helps to bring one from the darkness to the light. Feeling loved is a huge step in learning self acceptance and self love.