Where is my courage?
It seems to have dissolved into nothingness. I know that I have possessed it in the
past. I have shown bravery in the face
of defeat and not given up. I have let
go of security and safety to change and take risks. I have dared to believe in myself and others despite
disappointments and betrayals. I have moved
forward when my heart was devastated and my thoughts have said to ‘quit’. I have persevered trusting in the new beginning and imagining more than a dead end.
It is only oneself that holds the key to the embracement of life. It is only when this can be truly felt, and not just conceptualized that true forward movement takes place. The deadends and blockages, whether self initiated or thrown up by past betrayals, make me question my own abilities and courage. For me, being able to see my worth in others' eyes helps me to realize the darkness is temporary and I do have the courage to break through.