Thursday, November 1, 2012


There is a time to hang on and a time to let go.  It is can be confusing to distinguish between when I need to persevere versus surrender and release.  Is my white-knuckled grip due to my many fears of failing, giving up, losing control, letting others down, being seen as a loser, or not being sure what waits beyond?  Am I being driven by the old messages reminding me that I must try harder, not show weakness, be perfect, please others, and hurry up?  Am I fooling myself when I say I am diligent, devoted, determined, and filled with purposeful resolve?  So many questions to be asked. 
Today, I choose to center myself with an open mind, open heart, and open hands.  I will have a willingness to let go of my agenda if needed.  I will listen within to clarify my motivations and intentions.  I will follow my heart and trust that doors will appear as I move forward.  I will knock on these doors and look for the ones that are open rather than trying to break down the locked ones.  I can let go, relax and trust myself and the universe.

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