Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Saying goodbye is hard work.  Sometimes people leave before we are ready to let them go.  Unexpected death or illness occurs, divorce happens, friends move, jobs end, we grow apart, so many disruptions prevent healthy endings. I tell myself tomorrow I will let others know how much I appreciate their presence in my life; tomorrow I will take the time to say I love you.  I postpone until it’s too late and feel regret and sadness at having unfinished closings.  Other times I allow my anger, hurt, close-mindedness and resentment build walls of separation which prevent me from finding reconciliation, forgiveness and peace.  I may feel justified maintaining interpersonal war but ultimately I only hurt myself by holding on to grudges and I wind up with additional incomplete endings. 
I know that the unfinished goodbyes in my life prevent me from being open to new beginnings.  I choose to find ways to let go of those experiences and people I hold on to that I need to surrender.  I will open my heart to grieve my losses, forgive the damages done, and acknowledge with gratitude the love received.  I will not forget fond memories and moments of joy but rather treasure them in my heart.  I want to be available and accessible for new relationships and experiences unfolding before me here and now.  So, I choose to work at saying healthy goodbyes today.

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