Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Holding on to resentment and bitterness always ends up backfiring on me.  I may think I’m hurting you with my animosity, but in reality I’m the one that suffers.  My heart becomes hardened and it’s difficult for me to receive or trust the love of others. My resentment breeds contempt and leads to suspicion of others’ motives, loneliness, sadness, cynicism, and I find myself imprisoned in a self-imposed cell of angry victimhood.  I have already lived too many days like this and I know it isn’t worth the cost.
I will let you know that you have wounded me and communicate my hurt.  Regardless of your response, whether you apologize or not, I will let it go.   I may not forget the harm that has been done, but I will no longer hold on to resentment.  I release the festering infection of bitterness to my higher power, bandage my wounds and allow myself to heal.  Forgiveness is a choice and takes strength of character.  I choose to forgive you for your failures and more importantly I choose to forgive myself for allowing you to hurt me.  I will learn from this experience what can be learned and move on to grow and open my heart to life and love.

1 comment:

  1. It is so hard to learn to let go of the resentment and pain of the past. Moving toward forgiveness is a goal that sometimes I feel is out of my reach.
