Friday, November 16, 2012


What a paradigm shift!  To move from a focus of what I don’t have to gratitude for what I do have.  It means the difference between frustration, depression and discouragement to happiness, serenity, and delight.  It requires that I center my awareness on what’s right in my life rather than what’s wrong.  Why is it so much easier to dwell on the negative than the positive?
Today I intend to remain conscious of the many small moments of grace I experience:  a smile from a friend, an opened door, the ability to breathe or move, food that sustains me, a safe place to live, freedom to believe how I choose to believe, and...  If I set my mind to it I know the list will be quite long.  I can choose this practice of gratitude if I want to and so I will.

1 comment:

  1. You are right on targer. Our blessings come in many different forms and we need to be open to seeing the whole picture and not just the despair, disappointments and frustrations. I know I do practice gratitude for the small things. The sunset, the smell of cut grass, a warm fuzzy blanket. It might not be much when compared to the big items of health, finances and family, but it is a quick happiness and a sense of inner gratefulness that I allow myself to experience daily.
    Thank you for pointing out that these things are important and we should all take the time to remember and respect the many wonders that pass our way daily
