Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Are you right and am I wrong?  Or better yet am I right and you are wrong.  Often when I get in a tug of war over who is right or wrong, we both end up losing.  I become territorial and protective of my ‘emotional and intellectual turf’ and usually find myself saying and doing things that are disrespectful of yours.  You become the bad guy and I find reasons to defend my thoughts and actions.  Soon there is a huge gulf between us and before I know it I lose perspective and balance. 
Today I choose to find the middle ground.  I recognize that having difference of opinion can broaden and expand my being and doesn’t have to tear us apart.  I will look for commonalities and recognize that we are more alike than different.  I will strive for understanding, cohesion, and unity.  When confronted about my beliefs, I will challenge myself to listen before I speak and open my mind to the possibility of influence.  I will make sure you know that I have understood and heard you and validate your right to think and believe whatever you choose to believe.  Then I will request your respect as I voice my opinion and I will communicate my response assertively.  I will acknowledge our shared values rather than spreading seeds of discord.  I affirm that we can still be connected even though we are very different.  Hard as this may be, this is my intention for this day.

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