Wednesday, October 3, 2012


My feelings are my friend.  At times, it’s tempting to push them away, hide them inside, or rationalize them away; especially the ones I expect to be minimized, judged or misunderstood by others.  Frequently it’s my own rejection of myself that I project on to those around me.  As I accept the value and validity of my emotions and have the courage to express them, amazingly, those around me often open their hearts to hear and validate my experience.  When this doesn’t happen, no longer do I need to shut down and withdraw.  There is room for my feelings just as there is room for yours.  I don’t have to negate my own experience in order for you to have yours.  I choose to remember this today.


1 comment:

  1. I am glad your thoughts/writings have found an official location. Being able to review different topics will be great and won't just disappear somewhere on the Facebook feed! Thanks for doing this...I am inspired by them.
