I am not responsible for other’s choices. I wasn’t responsible then and I’m not
responsible now. The pain of watching
poor choices and consequences will not invoke guilt, perhaps sadness, but not
guilt. Did I close the door of my heart
to past pain because it was too much to bear?
Perhaps, and it was for my own survival. Can I bear to care now? It’s still painful to watch them flounder and
drown. I wish I could have made it
all better and given them something to hold on to. I was busy grasping for the lines of rescue
myself; I had nothing to throw. When my
feet were finally on firm ground, it felt impossible to go back without being
dragged back under.
I release myself
from the burden of guilt that is still on my shoulders. When I hear echoes of
other’s shame making me responsible for things that were never mine to bear,
I will respond with ‘it’s your shame, not mine. I carried it long enough. No more.’ Today I will listen to healthier voices giving me permission
to breathe and be. These are the voices
I choose to believe today.
I should have read this earlier today.