Tuesday, October 2, 2012


If I were taking a fill-in-the-blank test and the question “Who is responsible for your happiness?” was on it, I know the answer would be “I am”. However there are some moments when I would definitely fill in others’ names and situations. Someone says or does something, or doesn’t say or do something I’m expecting, things don’t go as I planned or situations occur that get in my way and I am very quick to assign blame for my frustration and discontent. Suddenly I’m in the old role of victim and life is happening TO me. I have the illusion of no control or responsibility for my own happiness. I give away my power sinking into ‘poor me’ and feeling angry and resentful. I can even look for ways to make others feel guilty for not pleasing me.
I no longer choose to live from this familiar victim mentality. I know that if I am disappointed, frustrated, or upset about something someone does or doesn’t do, I have the power to speak up and express myself. I recognize that when things don’t go as planned I can look for ways to modify what’s happening or change my strategy. Today I will take responsibility for the younger part of myself that wants to blame others and gently nurture, listen, and reassure. I am accountable for my own happiness.

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