When faced with the challenge of being disrespected, it is
so easy to strike back or get even by engaging in a war of hurtful words. Even though I may think taking aim and firing
angry comebacks is going to keep me safe, in reality it only escalates and
divides making connection, understanding, and wellbeing more difficult. Sadly, I realize I had skillful training from
my early caregivers in this ‘take no prisoners’/’strike before they strike you’/’blaming
& shaming’ form of communication.
However, if I want to I know I can choose to change my response pattern and learn more effective
ways to handle conflict.
I will remain aware of how I respond to the conflicts and
challenges I face today and take responsibility for my reactions and choices.
This is such a difficult task. Being able to identify and adjust reactions that are deeply ingrained challenges me daily. I will reflect on your writings and remain aware of myself and my patterns.