Thursday, January 22, 2015

Microcosm and Macrocosm

Change happens.  Sometimes it moves so slowly I am easily fooled into believing things will always remain the same.  Other times it is like a tsunami that overwhelms me.  It helps me to remember, that I am and always have been in motion, from the rotation of the planet in a swirling universe, the unfolding of the seasons, the pumping of my heart and the breath in my lungs.  My thoughts, feelings, beliefs, needs, body, environment, family, friendships, career, reality are constantly evolving for better or worse.  I do not control this progression of transformation, it is a natural process.  I can make choices that affect it but trying to hold it back or prevent it from happening is as futile as trying to swim against the current of a quickly moving river.  All I need to do is reflect on the Grand Canyon to be reminded of the incredible power of time and motion.  Despite this knowledge, I often tire myself out fearfully trying to grasp tightly to control the people, situations and things in my life.  I refuse to listen, open my mind, or consider new alternatives, clinging stubbornly to ‘it’s ALWAYS been this way’ as the standard.
 My ‘I-ness” and your ‘You-ness’ is part of something much bigger than our current experiences, perspectives, frustrations, sadness or fears.  Remembering this can put things into perspective.  My microcosm does matter and so does yours and yet we are also pieces of a much bigger puzzle. Today, I release my limited thinking about permanence and recognize that the actions I choose and the attitude I have affects more than just me.  We are all connected.  

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